
I asked PP to put this photo of me with my owner onto the blog because I haven't heard from her for a while and I am worried that she is beginning to forget about me. Even though I am very happy in this new home, it isn't quite the same without her. I hope she comes back soon, although I heard PP saying that it is not going to be till the beginning of June.
On front door look-out duty late afternoon and a good job I was too. A lycra-clad man was running past the gate so I shot off to have a good bark at him. He went out of sight so I knew I'd done a good job. Next minute he was back, running in the opposite direction. Off I went again, hackles rising, barking and growling this time. Out of sight again. He wouldn't dare return after that. But no, there he was again, and again, and again - running back and forth in front of MY GATE. He ignored me completely even though I was barking as if my life depended on it. Even The Point came and joined in for a while. Eventually, he disappeared into the house below. I don't like him at all!