
My owner has passed her Vet exams so I thought I would send her a bunch of flowers.



My owner came back on Tuesday night. I was so excited, I jumped all over her and followed her everywhere. I was really keen to show her what a good dog I have become so this morning, when she took me for a walk I made sure I was as perfect as The Point (!). When we got back, though, she drove off in her car and I heard that she has gone back to Edinburgh without me. I must have done something wrong and not realised. . . . . . . . . . I hope she comes back soon.


After my shower and towel dry yesterday, I thought I'd have a bit of fun to help the drying off process. Savaging the towel seemed like a good idea.. . . or so I thought.
The game was interrupted by Ade, doing a good impression of a Party Pooper.
I wasn't going to give up without a fight though.


I had an unofficial shower again this afternoon as the plants were being watered. Here I am donning my Indira Ghandi costume.


I've decided that this is my very favourite game - fetching sticks, then destroying them before PP can get them. The further the better - off cliffs, between trees, across fields. I think I must have some retriever in my genes.


Thought I might try a new look today. Apparently it's what all cool dogs wear in the summer - aero dynamic ears. Do you think it suits me?


Good luck!

Well it's the big day tomorrow so I have gathered together some of my friends (!) to wish you all the best and lots of luck. Stay calm! With love from your Willow Dog! See you soon.
The Point sends you good luck!
Del says 'hurry up and come home' oh, and good luck!
Maj thinks it is funny but wishes you luck anyway!


Just to give you a bit of practice before the exam on Thursday:
Which species do these legs belong to?
a) feline
b) canine
c) equine


My owner is about to take her finals this week so I thought I'd pose for this portrait to wish her lots of luck. Just think in a couple of weeks time, I will have my very own doctor at my beck and call. . . . . . .


The Point is getting very close and personal here.


I hope my owner looks at me here and feels very proud. I am sitting in a big open field with no collar. I am looking forward to her coming back so that I can show her all the things I have learned.


Cracked it today! Here I am in pole position - higher than The Point! I've sneaked my way up the pecking order and I mean to stay here.
This is a Monkey. PP was not happy to see him lying on the grass. I was lured back into the house by a piece of cheese and the door shut firmly behind me. PP went out to rescue the Monkey only to come back inside to find that I had taken the other one and was savaging it on the living-room carpet. Sometimes I think PP has no sense of humour.


Butter wouldn't melt in my sneaky mouth! I'm gradually worming my way into all the places that The Point frequents. At first she would curl her lip if I came too close but I'm wearing her down with my persistance. She's in such a deep old age slumber in this photo she doesn't even know I've sneaked up to join her on the bed. . . . .


Well, well, the tables have certainly turned. When I arrived here a few weeks ago, I was not allowed out of the front door unless I was on a lead. Yes, I admit I used to try and escape by pushing past their legs if I could but that's because I had been used to the freedom of the Edinburgh street life. Tonight, however, I was SHUT OUT!! Apparently, the small log I kept carrying into the house and chewing in the hall was not appreciated so both log and I were evicted for a while and the door firmly closed behind us.


For the last few days I've watched the dotty Point pulling off the gorse flowers and eating them. Thought I'd give one a try today and - yummy- they tasted very good. So I shall be beating her to them in future.


Looking at myself in this photo, I think I should be volunteering for active service in the army. So well camouflaged, I could sneak up on the enemy with no problems at all. Not like The Point, who can be spotted as a moving target from miles away.



Had a great game of whirring helicopter tonight. Had to stop because I got quite dizzy and The Point was about to start her 'interrupt by barking' tactic.


I was having a sneaky lick of the dirty dishes this morning but when I turned round I realised I'd been sussed by PP. I was also sussed later in the day when she saw me walking on the wall outside the kitchen window, sneaking a crust from the bird table. I guess a dog can't win them all!


I asked PP to put this photo of me with my owner onto the blog because I haven't heard from her for a while and I am worried that she is beginning to forget about me. Even though I am very happy in this new home, it isn't quite the same without her. I hope she comes back soon, although I heard PP saying that it is not going to be till the beginning of June.
On front door look-out duty late afternoon and a good job I was too. A lycra-clad man was running past the gate so I shot off to have a good bark at him. He went out of sight so I knew I'd done a good job. Next minute he was back, running in the opposite direction. Off I went again, hackles rising, barking and growling this time. Out of sight again. He wouldn't dare return after that. But no, there he was again, and again, and again - running back and forth in front of MY GATE. He ignored me completely even though I was barking as if my life depended on it. Even The Point came and joined in for a while. Eventually, he disappeared into the house below. I don't like him at all!


Having a serious moment here. To think that six months ago I was a mangy unloved, abandoned Edinburgh stray and now I'm loved and well cared for. I am very, very happy (even if I do have to share my life with The Point!).


And to round off a good day, I had my usual 'wind up The Point' game.
It had been a tiring morning so I had a quick snooze with Nan.

It started to get very hot so I took advantage of the power shower that was on offer.

The day began well. I managed to sneak out PP's slipper while she wasn't looking.


Got the fright of my life this morning when I came back from the walk to discover this giant owl roosting at the end of the garden. The first thing I did was spring at its face to attack but I got shouted at by PP so then I tried to look nonchalant and pretended not to give a hoot about it. I will get it when no one's looking though. It already looks a bit shocked so I am halfway there to helping this great twit find another home.


This is The Point trying to copy my stick games. Just because I've started playing them on the walks every day, she now wants to join in. Not very athletic and elegant though - more stiff and thuddy.
This is to prove to the whole world just what a good dog I am now. I can be left in the garden with no collar on and I don't run away. I may have the odd bark at a passing postman now and then but apart from that I am a perfect canine!


I suggested to the Point that we have a game of Hide and Seek. I found this really good hiding place and she was supposed to be counting to 100 before looking for me. After lying here for minutes and minutes and minutes, I began to wonder whether she was ever coming. Slowly I came out and had a look around. From up above I could hear zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. The Point had nodded off again!